Install ASP and PC-NVR on Different Computers?

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Install ASP and PC-NVR on Different Computers?

Post by CommanderData »

I have the software (v.2.003....201130) installed today on a Win 10 v.1909 virtual machine and after a bit of frustration, got it to work OK with my 3 cameras. As others have reported, I too experience the ASP crash during playback, but that's not why I'm here...

Is there a way to install another instance of just the ASP on another computer and access the data on the existing PC-NVR?

Are there any other tools that could be used to use the PC-NVR database?

I tried by installing ASP on another PC (de-selecting PC-NVR), but when I click Search --> PC-NVR, it brings up a grayed-out icon in the middle saying "No Local PC-NVR Find." I can't enter an IP address of my existing PC-NVR.

Is this supported? If so, where do I put in the PC-NVR's IP address?
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Re: Install ASP and PC-NVR on Different Computers?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum..

So the issue is when you turned of the ability to have PC-NVR it will no longer load on that computer...

SO uninstall the ASP you have on the second computer,
Reinstall the ASP and this time let it install both asp and PC-NVR
after you load PC-NVR and then start ASP
go to Devices and click + then name it PC-NVR
Then in the IP put in the IP address of the PC-NVR you have on your other computer
Once that it signed into it should act just like a normal camera or recorder that your setting up and turn to green..
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Re: Install ASP and PC-NVR on Different Computers?

Post by CommanderData »

Thanks! The instructions above worked, but I think I discovered an easier way for what I was trying to do. Remember that my goal is to have PC-NVR running on PC01 and ASP running on PC02. PC01 has both ASP and PC-NVR, and I didn't want PC02 to have PC-NVR at all - just ASP.

It was simpler than I thought. In PC02, all I needed to do was go into Devices and click "+ Add" (blue button), enter the IP address and credentials of the PC-NVR system on PC01, and bam, there it is, fully functional on PC02! Nice!

Thanks for your very quick response!
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Re: Install ASP and PC-NVR on Different Computers?

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Glad it is working.. Guess the PC-NVR was either not turned off or it don't need to have the software to have it active on a different system.. Either way ASP on one computer or not isn't going to matter on the computer that it isn't running on.. It don't take Resources until the program is Run.. So in the event you need or want to use PC1 for anything in the future ASP is there.. then on PC 2 wasn't sure as I have only done it while having it installed again PC-NVR don't matter on PC2 if it isn't active on PC2.. Again I wasn't sure I just thought seeing it wasn't working that you had already tried to add the PC-NVR on PC2 using PC1 IP and didn't work because it was removed so my solution was the thought to put it back on so it could then load on PC1 from PC2 as thinking it might have been needed..

Thanks good to know don't need on second computer however for me I will still keep it there as it don't tie up anything when not in use anyway..
Be Safe.
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