Able to send motion emails as advertised

see a device that we do not currently have and think we should research in to let us know here. The same goes for features on devices If there is a feature we don't have that you would like please request it here and it will be passed along to the R&D team.
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Able to send motion emails as advertised

Post by jake4347 »

Hey Amcrest,
How about correcting the firmware that has caused so many of your users not able to use their security camera as advertised, able to send email alerts. Some customers, like me, have been waiting over 6 months and still waiting to receive corrected firmware to our investments. Please don't wait a few more months and tell your customers that their unit is an old and discontinued model and no longer supported. This is how a company lose reputation and lose loyal customers.
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Re: Able to send motion emails as advertised

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the forum.

Sorry about the problem with your Email and camera. Sadly one of my cameras is no longer going to get updates and with that I bought my own domain and have my own smtp to cover me on my ip camera and other systems that no longer get gmail alerts. This way I make no change I have no issues lol.

Sadly it worked when released. Google aka Gmail made some changes and this made some of the camera an systems that did work before their change do to an update, no longer work. So it is kind of hard to put blame on Amcrest and others because this issue isn't only related to Amcrest it is to every manufacture of CCTV camera systems. I can tell you this.. One of the Brands I have 100x the money invested in seeing my systems was bought before I knew amcrest. They not only don't support their products by phone or email. They no longer even have 90% of there legacy products on the web for people that have lost software or manuals and such. Amcrest offers one of the BEST Tech support in CCTV be it by Phone or email and also offer the users this Forum to be able to maybe find a solution to some issues that others with like hardware may have had in the past. Sadly things become old to Manufactures and to be able to better support new hardware that is going to be released or has been already; at times that just means we as consumers have to work with what we have and the issues that may have come about or buy newer products with updated hardware and Firmware.

I think for me I needed to understand that my Camera works as intended. gmail isn't only smtp system out there. It is said that Yahoo mail will work with most systems as of now.

Something for others maybe to think about. When it comes to Software updates or Firmware updates most companies are going to focus on a few things to start out with. This is my guess and in no part giving any info as such... But to start out with Security Issues. Fixed first in most all cases. Then Market Saturation is important. Why update a camera that only has 1.2 million buyers when there are 10.5 million with another product that says 10 or even 30 to 1 of another product. The one that has no security issues and less market shares gets to sit in the back. 2 things with Being the last kid on the block. Most if not all issues have already been found fixed and when the later ones to get updates get good quality ones with less issues if any.

Some times I get things wrong. I am only human all my thought are just that. I have no info about how things work just what I would do if it was my business. While no one wants to upset others or make them feel they have been left out.

I will say that with the years I have in the CCTV market and hardware that I own or have owned Amcrest Support staff is by far the best I have dealt with.

Edit: Also just wondering what Manufacturing issues are you looking for updates to? Just wondering what you mean in another post you have?
Be Safe.
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