Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

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Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by tunnelrat »

The motion recording time of 20 seconds needs to be increased because it is missing large chunks of motion. I have read the forums and it seems this is a software issue where it stops recording after 20 seconds takes a random amount of time before it resets and records another 20 seconds of motion. The problem is it misses a lot of motion, especially the close-up view of the person at the door. For example, a person pulled into my driveway and my doorbell cam started to record because it detected motion. However, by the time the person exited the car and walked to the door the camera had already shut off because the 20 seconds was over. The motion of the person getting out of the car and coming to the door was missed because the camera was resetting and didn't record again until the person was getting back into his car. This camera missed the person getting out of the car and walking to the door and picked up after the person had returned to his car. The whole point of having a camera is to pick up motion for as long as needed to be able to see what the person looks like. I called customer service and asked about extending recording time longer than 20 seconds when there is motion however they said it is a set time and you cannot make recording time longer. If this does not get corrected I will be sending my doorbell back because this 20-second limit regardless of motion makes the doorbell useless. As stated it missed the person walking to the door and didn't record again until after person had returned to the car. I also have an SD card installed which had no recording of the event above other than the person pulling up in his car. And a 20-sec clip of him getting back into his car and driving away.
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Re: Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello and Welcome to the Forum..

Sorry to hear your having some issue with your Doorbell camera... While it isn't easy at times to set things up to make things work the way we want them and I understand that 20 seconds isn't that long.. However to be honest there are ways to make this work within a good enough time. One there is the motion Grid. To be fair I am going to guess that if your having issue picking up people pulling into your Drive way then you need to set your Grid better. and To Be Honest move the camera to a different area if you don't have the ability to change Grid within a Good time... These cameras i am going to Say it until I am blue in the Face.. Are not designed to be a Stand Alone Camera... Anyone trying to use these as only method of keeping an eye on the home front is sadly going to be Dis-appointed.

best location is not facing a Driveway why? Well because while with the Motion Grid set even right one pulling into a Drive at night will most likely break that Grid and trigger a Recorded event. So Face it away from the Driveway. Then when you set these up you want to have them facing in a way that when the person hits the Motion Grid it takes less then 10 seconds for them to get to the Door bell. By then you have your Alert on your Smart App and most likely looking or could be dealing with this person to person.
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Re: Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by tunnelrat »

Its the doorbell cam? Could you advise where else should it go? Also, that still doesn't solve the 10-15 seconds of motion I lose. And yes I have set up the motion grid thank you! And for location are there many door entrances that do not face the driveway or street? Quite honestly, your solutions and recommendations are terrible ideas why not just make it record for longer? To set the gride up where it picks up motion 10-12 feet away is impossible unless you know something I don't.
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Re: Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Look.. I don't work for Amcrest I am an End User just like you..

Second If you have a problem and someone offers some Ideas on trying to make things work better take it as you will but you come off with an Attitude your likely never to get another person to reply unless they like the Abuse like I do...

Third look the at picture Below SET up Grids... I don't know what Grids you setup but from what I can tell from the Smart App you can setup 3 Grids and offers the ability to how far out to go...

Moving the camera DOOR BELL from the ability to see your Driveway you call HONESTLY a TERRIBLE IDEA! Really??? You have a Better one? If you did you wouldn't be here

About Being able to Record longer then 20 seconds BUY A AMCREST NVR or the BLUE IRIS then you can record all day if that makes you happy..... I am sure Amcrest has been working with the R&D team on ideas others have mentioned about this Camera... Sadly I think it was bad timing to have it come out when it did with the Holiday and the Lack of ability to make everyone happy...

Sorry your not happy... I hope that the Amcrest Team gets right on the Longer the 20 second Clips and gets you a FW update right away....

By the way a NVR from Amcrest to record this Doorbell you could pick up without a hDD for less then you could buy BlueIris.. That would be the way I would go
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Re: Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by Revo2Maxx »

In your other Post! "It is set at close range number 1 why don't they just fix it to record longer? This is the recommendation you have? Don't you think people are smart enough to set gride before they come on a forum? Did you even read what the above post said about the missing video between the 20 motion clips? That alone is usually 10 seconds which just like the above person said misses the person walking to your door!!"

I don't know know what you have or haven't done.. You think I should just leave things un answered? You know I offer Ideas because I don't know what you have done.... You would be surprised by what people have said an issue was after the fact... Something that you would think was already done but over looked.... Maybe you can turn off a Zone that is touching the Driveway... I don't know I am just a Person that is trying to HELP... But from what I can tell from your Replies you don't want any ideas of help you want AMCREST to BOW to you and make your Ability to record longer the 20 seconds... To that I say BUY an NVR and stop trying to use this as the only means of Camera on your HOME... Then you don't have to worry about only 20 seconds record time....

Only camera... SOMEONE by the time they see it even if they know what it is.. Will Steal it, break it don't care about it and still steal your packages.....

What is a Door BELL!????>? It is a Device to let the owner know someone is at the door... If I was the person that Designed this you wouldn't be happy... I feel that when it is Pressed then it records... Pre recording or other recording should be by Real Security Cameras that help keep out intruders and wrongdoers.... 20 seconds in my mind is long enough... NVR NVR NVR NVR NVR... more ways to record longer then 20 seconds....
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Re: Doorbell Camera motion recording time 20 Seconds!!

Post by jack7 »

Revo, I like your last two posts...
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