Update to Turn 7204 CVI into a total NVR

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Update to Turn 7204 CVI into a total NVR

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Ok so when I got my CVI dvr some time ago there was no IP camera area on the unit it wasn't until I did a Update that the ability to run IP cameras came about. So seeing unlike other DVR's that Give 2 or more IP camera channels like my 16ch TVI DVR from Brand N at first was like my CVI unit I didn't get IP channels until an update, however rather then Removing 2 Analog channels it went from a 16ch dvr to a 18ch.

So like the 7204 CVI unit is a 4ch dvr with update stays a 4 ch but gives the ability to remove a Analog channel and on that starting with ch4 gives IP ability. With an update it could give it the ability to add all ch to run IP cameras.

So yes I am sure even though the feature wasn't there when released This unit isn't able to be a all IP camera unit. Would be a Way to get all the other OLD NEW Stock DVRs out the door. Sell the unit with 4 841s or 2 and 2 of the 720p ver that may be over stock new items. This gives a way to have NEW stock fill shelves. Thing is it could be used for IP or changed backwards to a CVI unit like right now I could go and uncheck the IP camera on 3 and recheck A3 and it would work back with CVI.

Maybe a Feature Update that people with a Unit now could pay for the feature. When NEW united that area released there could be a V1 and V2 model that one offers the CVI Only like mine came to start with. Or V2 that would change to all IP with ability to use CVI cameras.
Be Safe.
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