New IP Camera user, a few questions

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New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by RobbieL »

My very old AXIS IP camera has given up after a number of years so I started looking for a replacement. Amcrest seemed to fit the bill so I have one on order from Amazon, a IP4M-1051B (Black). I want to run this on my local network possibly saving footage to a Synology NAS. What I don't want is to use any external cloud services or have to go through anything external to my home network to monitor my camera. I am assuming if I don't opt for the Amcrest Cloud then I will acheive this. I also read some concerns over security flaws in the firmware. Has this been addressed and if so are most cameras for sale usually updated.

There is a possibility I might want to use the camera with a Raspberry Pi setup that uses motioneyeos. Does anyone know if the camera is compatible with this system.
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by longedge »

Hello and welcome to the forum.

I'm not familiar with that camera but I imagine it's much the same as my own cameras in terms of access outside the LAN. Like you, I have no need to allow my cameras any sort of access to the WAN and I actively prevent it in two ways. Firstly when I do the initial setup, in the network settings having changed to a fixed IP address I then enter incorrect details for the LAN gateway. Secondly I explicitly block all three of my cameras from external access in my router settings. They still work as expected within the LAN.

It must be said that what I do very seriously affects the functionality of the cameras, to most people access to a camera when away from the LAN is one of the basic requirements so I guess I'd be in a minority to be OK with this restriction :D
My AMCREST Cameras:-
2 x IP3M-941B firmware V2.620.00AC00.3.R, Build Date: 2019-12-18
1 x IP2M-841B firmware V2.420.AC00.18.R, Build Date: 2019-08-03
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by Revo2Maxx »

@RobbieL Hello and Welcome to the Forum

Said before the camera is much like the 841 and 941 in functions just has a higher MP ratings..

So keep in mind here are some things that you would want to do to cure some things right out of the box.. FIrst when you setup your camera, setup for Wired setup.. Don't use P2P settings and infact when you get it setup over IP setup log into the camera WebUI at the new IP and then go to Setup in the top row of tabs, Then click on Network and in side of there on the left there could be an option called P2P if not click on TCP/IP in there is the other place it would be located. THen you will want to click on that tab and Remove the Enabled Checkmark. This will take a little bit of time to turn off the Server and Camera from talking to one another some say it took 2 hours Support says 2 hours as well. I have done some test and seen it happen within the first hour...

Another thing to note.. Personally I would make this change and stay out of the 2019 and 2020 FW to be fair.. I was told when my 841 wasn't able to play back footage it was caused because my camera was on 2020 FW and as such was Required to have a INternet Connection and that wasn't how it was before and I am able to playback older FW with out internet connection so to get the last update of NON JS fw you will want to make this change below..

Change to make: After you install camera, go to Setup, Go to Network, go to TCP/IP, setup for DNS, set and second one as and save, then reboot camera, Log back in camera and it might without asking tell you there is a new FW however this FW is not going to be the JS FW and if you want the NEW 2019 or 2020 JS FW you will have to DL off Amcrest Firmware page..

However IE is on it's way out and in order to work with Chrome or Edge you will want to update your camera to the JS FW before 2025 and this will work with Chrome and or Edge for view of WebUI however to keep it easy for now doing the update offered in the camera will be the last stable non JS FW..
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by RobbieL »

@longedge Thank's for the kind welcome. At the moment I am in the same position as you in that I don't want or need external access. However this may change and I might have the need to check the camera remotely occasionally. But your suggestions will be a good starting point.

@Revo2Maxx Not sure I understand the problem of having the P2P setting as disabled. Is this to prevent unwanted third party monitoring. Which server is the camera talking too with P2P enabled.

As it's a new camera I would expect it has the latest firmware 2020 I presume.

Is changing the DNS settings to and done to prevent the camera acces external websites?
The camera is a bit more complex than I was expecting.
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by Revo2Maxx »

OK from your post it sounded like you didn't want it talking to outside Servers so that was why I mentioned about turning off P2P as it will just send pings out to see if your looking for access outside your network. If there is no need for that service just thought I would offer to have it turned off. However if you want Service outside your network there is no real harm to setup your system with P2P and I prefer it over Port Forwarding and all the nice open port things that would need to be done the other way..

New camera wouldn't come with new FW from factory. The reason I mention the update via the WebUI of the camera and installing the and is to gain access to DNS services out side your own network. When installing FW this way your camera will have the last Stable Version of non JS fw. For updating the camera to a JS firmware then you can just go to the Amcrest Website to get the current FW that is in JS format however once JS FW is installed in your camera it will need to stay within the JS FW format being able to only go up or down in the 2019 2020 FW and newer. If the camera is new From Amcrest it most likely will have a FW from before 2019 and 2020 unless it is a Camera that was only made in 2019 or 2020 like the 841v3 would have a 2019 FW installed from factory.. However Amazon is known to take cameras that has been returned and sale as new and as from Amazon might have new FW already.

However to be fair being new to Amcrest Cameras and not having older FW cameras then 2019 and or 2020 FW is really best way to go as it will be what one learns on the options of the camera from the start and if something was missing because of a Programming glitch no issue like it might be for others that is looking for that missing item... New FW could/should cure it.. But new user to new camera new FW in 2019 or 2020 is ok..
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by RobbieL »

@Revo2Maxx The only outside access will be myself or son simply checking around the back of the house etc. I was expecting that I would have to open a port or two on my and setup port mapping. Not sure if this P2P overcomes this. The main thing I was trying to eliminate is background monitoring of the camera by someone other than myself as a result of some sort of backdoor in the firmware.

If I click check version in the system menu it doesn't do anything. There is a download latest firmware button which I have left alone for now. Version in the information menu shows the following.
Software VersionV2.620.00AC000.3.R, Build Date: 2019-09-19
WEB Version3.2.1.619604
ONVIF Version16.12(V2.4.1.513183)

The JS version I presume is Java Script. WHat is the difference in the JS and non JS versions.

Thank's for the detailed help. It's a bit of a learning curve for me.
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well first your camera has JS FW.. That is why I mention 2019 and 2020 seeing in the 2019 Amcrest to help with some issues that has been coming of age they moved to Bring Chrome to the cameras that are still being supported with FW Sadly some were updated to first setup of JS fw and then Discontinued and new platform was released... SO your camera does have JS.. YEs that is what JS is referring to Java Script..

So about the Firmware button. As of now there are 2 things to know. 1 without a DNS entry into the camera network the camera has issues contacting outside websites so that is why I say best to enter the and so on as to cure that issue, Second part for now (last i heard anyway) Pressing the button will only give update to last known good Non JS FW so if your camera already has JS fw then there will be nothing coming back about a new FW... There was a good set of FW Released in 2020 so you might want to look over the FW page and see if there is any newer. you can find that here..

Have a hard time remembering what cameras are what.. I think the 1051 is the 4mp of the 841, 941? However I could be wrong. IF it is the important part is What 1051 is it? While I have seen the V3 of 941 and 1051 was removed last time I looked at the FW update page there was a short time that the V3 was out there and I am not sure if it was here to stay or if people viewed enough dislike to the fact that what made the cameras cool was removed.. Audio and Alarm in and outs. So on the back of your camera do you have a Grey block that has some push pads and 2 audio ports for in and out? Or does your camera just have the Network port and power port only? Reason I ask is because the V3 was released with JS FW and no going back to something that wasn't there to start with.. Where all my 841's some as old as the Start of Amcrest releasing them with Mac address that pre dates their own..

If you made it this far, P2P yes you don't have to open and or port forward anything.. It is Simple and fast I love it and I can even talk to Recorders or Cameras that are not on my network with ASP installed and or the Amcrest App. As long as I setup the camera or Recorder with P2P option.. Start it with IP feature you might have issues getting it to work outside your Network.. SO I now install my Cameras on the P2P setup from app... When away from home no issues to look at my Camera footage it is just as fast and easy as if I was on my own network..
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Re: New IP Camera user, a few questions

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Thought I would show a Picture of what one of my 2015 Cameras with FW from 2016 shows after having added DNS to the Network info..

Things to Note. This camera is from 2015 and did have other FW installed since it was installed in late 2015 the last one was in 2016 and you can see by the date of bottom of the page 2016, That was 009 ver and the last Stable verson was in 2017 that was Non JS and this picture is showing the offering of FW 009 release going to 011 there has since been 3 others released however when pressing the button it only offers Non JS FW so if your on JS fw you would have to get a newer one by going to the FW page to dl if one was released after the one you currently have installed...
2015Cam841.png (136.71 KiB) Viewed 9438 times
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