One of the new Babies this year

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One of the new Babies this year

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So I feed all the wildlife that comes to either of the feeders I have out. This year only seen 1 new addition to the Squirrel population. This is Zippy, She has a very hyper way about her. There is a feeder on the ground however she likes to climb up to the bird feeder that I have about 5 feed off the ground. There was about 30 peanuts in this feeder earlier and I added 2 lbs of food and this is all that is left lol. She came after the Blue Jays already collected the peanuts and the birds already almost cleared out this feeder and between the Ground hogs and rabbits cleared out the lower one. 4 babies and the momma. Zippy didn't show up until a couple of hours after her momma took some of the lower peanuts to eat on my back deck lol.
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