Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

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Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello all...

So I thought I would write something about this... While i have started to write about it a few times and may have had something added in a post of another TOPIC.. However I feel this is important and should be Mentioned...

On the 10th I was chilling doing what I normally do mid afternoons when something caught my Eye...

I see a 2011 Chevy Malibu backing down the road from a Y at the T... Hard to explain but going straight up my Hill a house up from me is a Corner this corner turns left 90degrees and 45.. SO I call it a Y at the T... Anyway he started to turn left, About 1/4way around corner he stops and backs down to in front of my home. It wasn't like a Normal fast backup and stop you know your in the right spot. He rolls his passenger window down, backs up some more and more and then stops straight out across from my Driveway... Puts it in Park and car rocks back and forth some,,, Remember I live on a hill! so that is some not so nice car parking lol.... He Jumps out and takes what seems like only 2 steps before he is at the back of his car starting across the street looking up my Driveway...

What can be seen down my Driveway... 2019 Honda, 2017 Chevy Suv and our Old BBQ that is sitting in center of the 2 autos... And our Trash cans on the side of the house next to driveway... Good 60 to 75feet to my garage down my driveway to where these things are...

Anyway he gets around the back of the car when he looks up and see what I guess he sees is 2 cameras. What he don't know is there is 5 that has him in View. 1 not recording because he hasn't crossed the line to start recording... He stops in his tracks and you can see him Point to the Higher up cameras turns around and paces a few times between the front and back of the car like trying to figure out if he should do this or not... Are they real? Is it worth being seen... It is Broad Daylight out... Then he gets in this car, rolls up the passenger windows like don't look at me,. tries to backup into the neighbors house across the street and because of a wall there he can't swing it.. SO he pulls forward and makes the mistake of backing into my Driveway... Now only 2 Cameras are Recording because others have passed the event markers... Person in view, Make, Model, color, wheel type, and Lic Plate all in View...

So my here is the little thing I am wondering... Why HIDE your camera so others don't know they are being watched? Why let them do what ever it is they were going to do... Then you have to make a Report Even with all the evidence, I would have to wait for them to find them. If it was not something worth the Time of the LOCAL PD will they even do anything about it?

So lets say as only thing I could think they were going to do is Steal my Propane tank seeing they were in a Car only thing in my Drive going to fit in there is the tank... So they stole it, got it on Camera, All handed over to the Cops and Insurance... Not going to do anything about it.... Not worth their time because the cost of the item stolen was so little no reason to pursue someone... While I could be Wrong on that I am sure I would get the It is a civil matter and for 50$ in a tank and 9$ in Propane not worth going to court over...

Wasn't out that day so not likely they were going to damage the car or suv and had they then I would have had to deal with turning in to my Insurance, worry about getting the paint to match. Or who knows... What I do know is the sight of my cameras was able to stop what ever his intent was...

Whats your thoughts on the matter
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by Z-Man »

I'm not a big fan of hiding security cameras. I'd rather prevent/avoid than fix/replace and punish.
Remember some things cannot be replaced.

I always ask myself, is it better to have a loved one hurt and the perpetrator caught or is it better to not have the loved one hurt at all. Most criminals won't do something if they know they're being watched and the likelihood is high they will get caught.

I like my cameras in the open (of course protected and out of reach).
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by amcrest168 »

i think outdoor security cameras should be visible to serve as deterrents but it's also smart to have some security cameras hidden out of plain view. i intend to use the silver face plate on the doorbell camera so it's more visible than the darker face plate.
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well I can only guess that it isn't really going to matter what color face plate you have on your Doorbell camera... The main thing to think about is will it really detour someone from say taking your Package or Even a Home Invasion? I am going to guess NO... Main logic behind this. The person or persons have taken the steps to get to your Front door. At this time in their mind if they are not thinking clearly they will just say I am already here take it...

Or if they are thinking with a Clear mind LOL wait if that was the case they wouldn't be there to start with... But lets just say... If they think Fast and clear they would Ring the Door bell an say Hello Sorry to bother you but I am looking for my dog or cat or Grandma/Pa when you answer back no sorry I haven't seen anyone or thing matching... They may even be nice and say Oh by the way you have a Package here... Why well to be honest... If you didn't it would seem strange that you didn't tell the person even if they have a camera not everyone will be watching it 24/7...

Anyway.. Front door, Besides the ones I have posted on here lol... My Ip 841 through the front window, I have one on the right Eve and one that is in the Soffit of my Porch. I haven't put one yet however I have another one that will be going in for kicks and giggles at 5' facing out for ID. This way no one can say no it wasn't me when there will be at least 5 or more cameras that says it was lol...

Also in the event of system reboot or yearly cleaning I will also always have a camera or 2 in every spot at all times.
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by amcrest168 »

i don't think i can hide this. :lol:
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by Revo2Maxx »

LOl Well the thing is.. If it isn't seen from the Street before someone is walking up to your door... Then they have already made up their mind on what they are going to do.. However I can tell you that I am not sure what the Persons Intent was on the 10 of Oct or Nov as I am not sure what month it was now lol... However it was a Sunday and I was doing what I always do on sunday and that it Relax lol.. Anyway out of the blue I see this car... At the time didn't know what kind but I seen this car drive past my house, up to a Corner street.. They started to make a Left, Then backed down the street until they got to my Driveway when they roll down their window both front and back passenger window... Keeps backing down until he is right in front but across the street from my driveway... He jumps out and BOLTS to the back of his car and about to the center of his trunk when he Sees my Cameras. He stops in his tracks and even goes as far as pointing at them... Turned around and started pacing the Drivers side of the Car... Then jumps back in the car and rolls up the windows, turns around and drives away... What I can say... If that Doorbell camera was only camera I had... What ever his intent that day he would have done what ever he was going to do...

But yeah that is awesome looking Doorbell camera picture... Thanks for sharing...
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by amcrest168 »

smart home 3.5.0, firmware v1.000.00AC004.0.R.200509 allows one to turn off the bright blue ring and led via the device indicator setting.
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Well with your Icon I am guessing you didn't :)

But that is cool.. To be honest I don't like it I wish it was Green or Purple so it wouldn't be the same as some others out in the world People think you have one of them cameras rather then being different...

Not only do I Approve of Large Cameras that can be Seen... I also agree that Signs should be in Plain sight that your recording both Audio and Video and in some areas you have to if you ever need to use it in court..
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Re: Why hide your Outdoor Cameras. You Shouldn't

Post by amcrest168 »

hal9000 says a red ring would be nice.
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