Alerts in DVR/NVR not adding up

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Alerts in DVR/NVR not adding up

Post by Revo2Maxx »

So looking over my footage today I found something odd. When I left and came back passing over a Tripwire both ways that event didn't post in my NVR's AI alerts that I get to see in the right hand part of my screen on the NVR's GUI. Then when I looked at my Emails I found that I had some emails of my Truck when I returned. However none from what I left.

Looking at my NVR I found that I have no results in the AI part of the NVR's lookup yet if I use the Search like you would with a normal NVR I have 18 alerts for today. 9 events both ways over the Tripwire.

In another camera I have 27 alerts and recordings that captures a different camera that has had over 300 events and yet only 27 of them were flagged by the camera and recorded and sent to my Email. I have them setup in my email to go to a special folder to keep that camera out of my pool of other emails.

I know I had over 300 events because they were captured on my 7108 using a TVI 2mp camera that is with a Tripwire about the same area as the 8mp AI camera on my NVR.

NVR reboots every night at midnight so not an issue of the NVR running to long without a reboot. I am about to Reset back to factory again the 4216E-AI NVR and the 16 cameras that is connected to it. However I am thinking that maybe I should test using my A2 NVR and see if some of the cameras connected to it will give the same results.

Is it a Camera issue or a NVR issue before I reset 17 devices to find out that only needed to reset the cameras?

While on the Topic of the A2 only thing I don't like about it so far is that I have a Tour turned on and when that camera trips Full IMAGE on event the NVR don't go back to the Grid view and just stays on the Tripped camera view. I have to put it back on 9 grid view. Anyone else have this issue with their A2?
Be Safe.
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