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Chrome Apps End of life June 2020 (Amcrest Web View)

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2020 4:04 pm
by eklee
With Google ending support for Chrome Apps by June 2020: ... -apps.html

What are Amcrest plans for supporting access to cameras over the web browser?

Re: Chrome Apps End of life June 2020 (Amcrest Web View)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 3:35 pm
by Ben999000
I'm curious about this as well. The best path forward is probably progressive web app. If they keep it Chrome only, then extension might be easier.

Re: Chrome Apps End of life June 2020 (Amcrest Web View)

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 5:56 pm
by Revo2Maxx
Well I am going to guess that if your camera is still getting updates I am sure they are in the works of making the Update for your camera to work with Chrome... Sadly there is no Expectation of Term of life when a Product that is made that works with something today there is no way for the developer to know how long something is going to work until they say they will not longer support something as Chrome has... Sadly the Cameras when made was made to work over IE and while that isn't Edge there are others out there that are still able to view the cameras.... Also there is ASP and you can also get a different program as others state there are some out there that will work however for me I would never give a program like Tiny Cam my password to my Camera there is no way to know if that data is farmed or not and I am not going to take that chance myself....

Re: Chrome Apps End of life June 2020 (Amcrest Web View)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 5:35 am
by Alberta
Folks... forgive me if this in the wrong place in the forum. I am brandnew here but been a long term Amcrest affectionado.
I have several Amcrest Cams. two of the older ones, the 841's, and one newer one a 4K one an IP 4m-1051
Try as I might..... I am unable to view the 4K one on ANY browser. I've downloaded the "plugin" about 20 times... executed it... but nothing happens... the plugin just disappears in never never land.
All cameras work perfectly fine on Blue Iris and Synology Surveillance Station.
Any help and/or suggestions most gratefully received.

Re: Chrome Apps End of life June 2020 (Amcrest Web View)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:34 am
by Alberta
Folks... See above haste..... finally... Internet Explorer allowed me into the 1051 setup menu. Tried Chrome, Edge, Firefox... all failed with the same plugin misery. Has anyone here tried a browser called BRAVE ?
Good olde Explorer threw up some warning but after saying: allow: displayed the camera main screen, thus allowing me to check and upgrade the firmware to the latest level.
On a side note? Amcrest cameras picture quality are excellent., and I do like the way the whole setup menu is laid out...... but their web browser access is due some decent overhaul. It really pains me to see such an excellent product being let down by no proper browser support.