DVR 7204 Camera options

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DVR 7204 Camera options

Post by Revo2Maxx »

Hello all. Looking for some info. I have a CVI 7204 that came with 2 bullet and 2 Eye/dome cameras. While looking over the system I had 2 ch with one of each so when CH1 offered different type of settings I just thought it was because the Camera types differed. However I have both the EYE cameras on and for what ever reason only CH1 is offering Image Enhance, 2D NR and 3D Denoise?

So I thought ok they are on Different type of cable maybe there is an issue. Changed out Cameras so 2 was 1 and 1 is 2 however didn't change the fact the offering is only Ch1 still,. First changed the Cameras to see if Cameras offered different options even though they are same model. Then Changed the Connections at back of DVR as well. Still only CH1 has that option.

Anyone out there with Different options on their 7204, 08 or 16? Or does that option on any other CH work for both it don't seem to change things anyway. I even put a different CVI camera on there thinking maybe it was from that one when I was using it but it made no difference
Be Safe.
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