A good dose of Security Irony trying to use ASP

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A good dose of Security Irony trying to use ASP

Post by KMA701417 »

Just got done configuring 12 Amcrest IP cameras.
I setup each camera with a unique username and password.

For the the username convention I user First.Last.{##} <--- a two digit number.
Example: John.Smith.38 or Fred.Bear.97
The device firmware allows this. (See attachement: Yes I deliberately entered the '+' to get the error notice.)

Now I am trying to setup Amcrest Surveillance Pro V2.003.0000001.0 (2020-11-30)
ASP only allows Letters & Numbers in the 'User Name' field.
You cannot enter John.Smith.38 in 'User Name' field. After typing it you're left with JohnSmith38 which does not match the Username in the device.

ASP only allows a maximum of 24 characters in the password field.

So where is the IRONY?

I configured all 12 cameras with usernames that contain periods and 32 character passwords which are not allowed in ASP.
I now have to reconfigure each device from scratch.
IRONY ---> Amcrest device firmware does not allow User Name editing. YES, you can modify P/W and permissions, but you cannot edit the user name itself. It is not allowed.
More Irony ---> Amcrest does not allow Copy/Cut/Paste into any field. So I have to again type 24 char passwords twice for all 12 new user names that I have to create rather then just removing the offending periods.... HaHaHa :roll: :roll: :roll:
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